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Juan Miguel González-Aranda

LifeWatch ERIC
Currently LifeWatch ERIC Chief Technology Officer and Director for Spain. ERIC FORUM Executive Board Member representing the ENVRI cluster, and former Chair of ERIC FORUM too.
As e-Biodiversity expert holding a PhD. Engineer on Telecommunications, and Industrial Organization-Enterprise Management European Master, but also due to his policy making background on international cooperation e-Science affairs, he is highly interested in understanding the impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Sustainable Management. To this end, he is focusing on scientific evidence, in turn being based on FAIR data & services co-design, implementation and deployment, to further support in the adoption of decision-making measures addressed to mitigate and adapting to the abovementioned climate change impacts. In that regard, he sees that Ecosystem Services paradigm needs to be reinforced through their socio-economics valorisation, by involving all innovation stakeholders: researchers, technologists, decision makers-public sector, entrepreneurs-private companies and citizen scientists through a trans-disciplinary way, by means of the “state-of-art” of ICT (big data, blockchain, AI-machine learning, etc.). “Thinking globally, acting locally”, but also taking into consideration the importance of the so-called indigenous knowledge.
During the period 2012-2018, Head of Unit on Nanomaterials & e-Science in the Spanish Ministry for Science & Innovation, holding the position of Ministry Delegate for outstanding Research Infrastructures Committees such as GBIF (www.gbif.org); European Commission e-Infrastructures Reflection Group eIRG (www.eirg.eu); ESFRI (www.esfri.eu) & Open Science (Group European Data Experts GEDE Research Data Alliance RDA www.rdalliance.org); EOSC (www.eoscportal.eu) & EuroHPC (“Sherpa”, https://eurohpcju.europa.eu) establishment; support Environmental ESFRI (www.esfri.eu) & related initiatives. European Structural and Investment Funds-RIS3 expert for ICT & ENV Research Infrastructures according to EU regions RIS3 & FP policies, and the EIT Climate Change KIC start-up activities.
Previously he has been Researcher on e-Biodiversity in the Spanish Council for Scientific Research-CSIC as Technical Director at Doñana Natural Area Singular S&T Research Infrastructure; Contract Agent-Research Technologist EuroMediterranean and EU-Latinamerica & Caribbean projects. In addition, over the past two decades has also been Researcher at University of Seville (biomechanics, digital image processing), and independent consultant on ICT freelance Public & Private sector. Co-author of nearby 50 publications too.